

Hero vs Mikhail vs Demonslayer

Just a side note, I wont start playing until January 2013.
I wanted to know a few comparisons and differences between each class and my opinions

So, to start off, I have no clue what Mikhails do. I havent play since May, so yeah.
But apparently they are OP?

I wanted to know a few things:
Who trains faster?
Who kills boses faster?
Who is flashier?
Who is faster in mobility?
Who is more fun when playing with an xbox controller?

I dont really mind about funding since when the time comes, Ill deal with it.
I am interested in gameplay, so your input on their gamestyle (except hero) is appreciated.

September 22, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first


I see. Thanks for the input.
So far demon slayers are the best for controllers.

Reply September 22, 2012

1) I would say Demon Slayers. They can attack 6 mobs x 7 times at lv 10. That will be your basic and main attack throughout the game. No mana needed Links pretty well with other skills too.
2) Heroes. Their upcoming hyper skills and their buffs are absolutely ridiculous.
3) Mihiles and Demon Slayers are on par. Mihiles are bright, DS ones are dark. Your preference.
4) That will go to Demon Slayer. Jump onto the platform above, glide through a map, or a flash jump type... well, jump.
5) Not really sure... Probably DS? One less key for mp pots, but you have to spam the attack key. Just what controllers are for.

Reply September 22, 2012

With an Xbox controller you'll prolly want a DS and put attack on the trigger button.

Reply September 22, 2012

[quote=PoetryIsMeh]1) demonslayers train rather fast, they have a really good "flow" to me personally,
i mean that demonslash links up really well with their rush skill, and their other attacks and gameplay are interesting as well as having the highest warrior
2) Hero, but get to 150 (post tempest) to max all your core skills
3)Depends, but id say mihile, layzors and floating swords everywhere
4) demonslayer, they can jump really high, glide, rush and teleport to monsters directly
5) probably demonslayer, their gameplay is rather nice, and you wont need to assign
an xbox key for mp pots [/quote]

Thanks for your input. My hero is currently level 150, so I guess I have a headstart
I think the question is more Demonslayer vs mihile, since one uses axes and the other uses swords, and for heroes i could just transfer (though I dont like the idea of constantly psoking empress equips).
Currently demon slayer is over mihile because of the arcade style and the fact that the empress axe is cooler than the sword.

Reply September 22, 2012