chillyprince #Chat Talk

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Why Can't you just be you? first of all i'd like to say this is not a rant, and im not a troll (honestly i dont even know what a troll is but anyyyway) i noticed that everywhere i go, either its in real life or in maple, there is always one thing that is considered right, pretty, smart, good or bad, everyone tells u how u shud look or feel or who to like n hate. now i noticed on basil all the time ppl post a thread to "rate the person above you" or "how do i look" or "rate me"... i mean Please, why would u need anyone else to tell u if u look good or not? they have hundreds of friggin cash items so every person could create their own style on how he or she wants it to look like and what he or she think is prett

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Is this Accessory Girly? Hey whats up basil, I saw this ear accessory in a video i was just watching and i kinda liked it, i wanted to sort of make one (i know a local shop that can make any sort of jewellery using silver) but I also wanted to know if it was too girly or gay for a straight guy to wear it around. [url=]Here[/url] is the accessory (watch from 3:33) its the metal thing on her ear. so is it fine for a guy to wear it? EDIT: oh oh and I also wanted to know what its called :o

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My Bestfriend's Girlfriend is Falling For me, Help? so, im a 16 year old guy (captain obvious) and i've known my best friend for 8 years now, we've been really good friends ever since, so like a few months ago told me he was having some trouble with his GF, they have a long distance relationship and she studies abroad, she's one of them girls who wants to always be able to talk to her BFs, he is the kind that studies hard and doesn't get the time to go online much to talk to her, im the other way around, im mostly online and i do study... enough. o.o so he gave me her facebook address and he told me to talk to her and sort of keep her company by telling her how he's doing when he can't go online, so i got to talk to her, she's a nice girl n

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i've never been on a date, is maple the problem? ok so here is the bottom line, i really LOVE maple, i play daily for 3 hours+ and on weekends or holidays i play up to 7hours+, call me addicted but im hooked! so my 16th birthday is in a month and it just hit me, ive never actually been on a date really, and girls usually tend to get off from the gaming guys thinking that they r nerds or some weird crap, now im torn, is it cuz of my looks or cuz i play maple? :( this is me >> lemme kno if the link doesnt work :X

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What Should i Study in Collage? sup Basil peeps! :) im currently a 15 year old (16 in a month, early happy birthday pl0x? :3) and i still dont know what i should be aiming to study in collage! :( i am and always have been a stright A student, seriously always, and this really matters to me cuz i wanna know what goals i should set for myself. now what im looking for is something computer-internet related, something fun and doesn't involve just boring office work, and something that after im graduated would get me a nice job that gives decent Ca$h :D now i probably had the same thought as u all, but sadly they dont teach Maple-ology around where i live so, any ideas? and please try to give as much detailing as possible :D

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So i just found out my best friend loves me woah ... this is pretty BIG i told him i already love someone else, he said he doesn't care and he doesn't expect anything from me, he just told me that he really loves me and thinks about me all the time and i really think he is all into it... i know my best friend :/ im not sure what to do, i already sort of love someone else and he knows it, i don't wanna hurt him cuz i know how its like to love someone and feeling that they will never love u back :(

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i just got hacked HARDCORE now what? so i just tried to login into my facebook, email, maple and whatnot and i found out that i got hacked on basically everything except for basil. now i can begin to describe how im feeling but i cant, ive had the same facebook for 3 years, same email for 6 years and same maple account for 3 years, i know i sound like one tasty victim for trolling but please try and be as supportive as possible... what should i do now? im trying to change my facebook password but it keeps saying too many attempts and whatnot, same goes for my email n maple acc, im literally devastated and dont know what to do so, a little support would be really nice. Thank you!

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"I'm Killing Myself Tonight" ok so Long story short: there is this girl i know on facebook, her name is savannah, and i've known her for quite a while, when she added me and started talking to me, she didn't had her picture up, so we were talking and we were nice friends, but i noticed she is kinda stalker-ish and clingy, like she would message me all the time and say things like oh i'm so ugly i never had a boyfriend and crap like that and i'd comfort her about it, and we talked almost everyday, she commented on everything i posted so yeah... so then, she posted her picture, and she's actually quite gorgeous, like seriously,! but kept doing those moves on me, she ignored some of my messages, she talks to me in such a

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If you had to describe how I look I was wondering about this for some time now, if I was to be categorized in one of those... stereotypes... everyone shoves each other into (goth, emo, scene... etc.) which one would I fit into? :) Meee >> << Well... This is just for kicks so yeah ^-^ Edit: quite a few people pointed it how colorful and "gay" it looks, the main reason is because i always take black & white/gray picturesof myself, and my GF (yes, not gay... shocker shocker?) pointed it out for me so this is kinda like, my first picture with vibrant colors... (and the rock fist is for my GF cuz she's a total metal head <3 ) Edit-2: lol and yes I do skate & Rollerblade, and the text and the ":D" face w

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Should I tell my bestfriends Gf that he cheated on her? On yes, I'm in the worst moral paradox there is, Here's the summary cuz I don't wanna take too long typing it: My bestfriend have been with this girl for over a year now (a year n a half or so), my friend is this nice guy, but he is totally awful in relationships, this girl he's with, i never met her till recently, before i met her i knew that he was a player, he flirts with any girl in sight at any given chance. He drinks alot, like, he sort of has a drinking problem. he sometimes actually hits her, he says its because he's pissed, but he really hurts her sometimes... now I never met the girl till recently, and when I did, she's the nicest girl you could possibly ever meet, I hung out

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