chillyprince #Firepoisonarchmage Talk

General Firepoisonarchmage

Help! hell lvls r killing me! :( so ive hit 70 a few days ago, im a luckless unfunded FP and amm, its getting so freaking hard for me to level up, i know it will just POP at lvl80 and become fastest lvling available in the game, but from 70~80 where should i train? remember im luckless so my accuracy isn't something to be proud of, i tried jesters and they're good but not like FAST, but they r decent exp. i heard about dual misting and i have no idea whats that, where i do it and HOW i do it, help with that too? :)

General Firepoisonarchmage

a few questions about mist eruption so i had a few questions regarding this smexalicious skill :) 1) so this skill gets +35% dmg (?) for each DoT stacked on the mob... do u get a bonus only from YOUR DoTs or u can get some from other people's DoT aswell? 2) making a UA FP is now epicsauce? considering u can now have gears which (other than stacking with mist since it now lasts 40 seconds long) also adds to eruption's dmg? :o 3) how would u be able to use that in PvP? since mist doesn't create a cloud? (only poison's the person infront u) thanks a ton guiz! :D