chillyprince #Icelightningarchmage Talk

General Icelightningarchmage

i have a problem A BIG ONE so at czak yesterday, i was in with my guildies, they said attack the lower right arm first, they all start attacking, i open my chain lightning and BOOM! it hits the bottom left 2 hands, which triggers seduce, they all get seduced badly and die... FML D: i wanna know what to do, i wanna be able to attack only 1 arm at a time (thats what they said i should do) but all my attacks r multi-hits... does that mean i should go back to stinkin' thunder spear? :(

General Icelightningarchmage

Chain Lightning is a Ripoff! now don't get me wrong, i love the class n i love the skill, but looking all over the place, others seem to be getting better skills, i got some major concerns with chain lightning, like: the STUPID as hell animation, its small and there is really no target animation... its a ONE hit, after chaos having 890% damage it would be really easy to deal max damage with it, crippling us MADLY, cuz u can only get good equips to a certain point and after that its just a waste of time getting better equips, and the crit rate is awesome and all but what do u need it for when u already deal max damage? its really stupid, i really wish they would make it a multi hit instead of the crit rate :( and it only hits 3 mobs? lolwut?