

chudi #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

Just an idea for battle mages So I love being a battle mage when they first came out, i remember being the guy leaching everyone at bear wolves, and having precedence in a party because my auras were vital. But I feel as though some of our skills are lacking. Nexon finally got rid of that god awful chain skill and buffed out skills, but theirs one thing i always hoped for if nexon gave us a revamp and that is enhanced reapers. Aside from finishing blow, no other skill defines our class, and since we already get advanced auras, i was hoping nexon would take down those twisted spin hypers (its fine without hypers) and give us enhanced reapers. Something like this.... Summon Reaper - Enhance: Summon Reaper now summons Lord of Chaos to deal 20%