

How should I do to improve

Hi, now I know my equips are going to sound 2nd rate, 3rd rate at best, however I have absolutely no nx and only recently made some money from the recent event with 99nx shop permits I buy with leftover maple points (Im out by the way...). So I am lvl 97 at the moment, 85 base luk (a little high I know). My equips include a blue enigmatic robe, +13 int with a pot of 3%int and +4 int; a 3% int hat; 5 mag att shoes; 6 mag att earrings +3int and 3% int; dep star; completely clean dark clarity glove with 3%luk pot (looking for an %int one); anddd im looking for a new belt cause im currently using the evolving one. My staff is a clean 104 attack kage (blew up my evil wings) so I realize that's something I should be looking for with lvl 103 coming up, an Ele staff would be ideal and I also need some shoulder piece.

Any other pro suggestions for me?

October 11, 2011

4 Comments • Newest first


okay ive scrolled a crusader belt +3 with the enhancement scrolls and bought a slightly below avg clean 5 mag att purple gaia cape for 125mil, gonna be stuck for a while now.. 21 mill left haha

Reply October 11, 2011

If you have trouble making money try training on monsters with a small but hi leevl drop list, so you can fuse items and sell them like 3 line uniques and etc.

Reply October 11, 2011

sigh that's a lot of mills haha and im in elnido so some of the stuff you mentioned is tough to find, or the prices are inflated like AB rings are like 500mil in fm -__-

thanks though! have something to work to now lol

Reply October 11, 2011

Cracks knuckles*

Hat : Targa
Robe: fine i guess
Glove: Flamekeepers cordon 200 mil
cape: Purple adventurer cape 500 mil
Belt: crusaders codex belt + crusader enhancements = 20 mil (includes cost of failing)
Shoulder: Crusader shoulder+crusader enhancements = 50 mil (includes cost of failing)
Staff: Estaff cost 500+mil clean; Pyogo mushroom 100 mil; doomsday staff 200 mil;
Rings: Crusader rings; Angelic bless 150 mil; Evo Ring 200 mil

just something to get you started

Reply October 11, 2011