coolflip678 #Mage Talk

General Mage

Discuss I/l latest 1v1 Dps We're at #14, do you think it's a considerable upgrade? What do you guys think? I personally think it's good enough in a sense that people will not bandwagon our class and start losing out rarity. I personally love that we're a rare or even a dying class because I often get a "wow, an I/L mage.. Never seen one in a long time". And it feels very good to be special. Nonetheless, I'm quite satisfied for this. My only gripe is that they could have made Frozen Orb a lot more faster, or at least last longer so we could have more DPS.

General Mage

World with the most mage equipments Hi guys, now that the world transfer is back, I guess I have to do what I need to do. Since there is no mage equipments floating around, at least really godly ones, there is no choice but to find other worlds for them... it's kinda like a treasure hunt.. of desperation.. :~( So my question is.. What world do you think has the most mage equipments? Sorry if this is kinda stupid to do.. but I have no other option left.. cubing is really costly... and no one wants to make godly equips in Khaini because they all agree that 'mages' suck and no one gives a crap about them. :~( Edit: If I made a contradiction, I guess what I was trying to say is that... I know mage equips are very rare, but which world is where

General Mage

FP Damage Cap Hindering People are just ignorant these days when they say that FP will be hindered by the damage cap post-Jump. They are solely looking into Mist Eruption's damage and nothing else. Don't they know that Paralyze's damage will increase too? That DoT's will increase too? That Ifrit will deal more damage too? :D People people, It's true that 60% of their damage will come from Mist Eruption, but don't pretend as if it's their only skill. Cheers to my fellow FP mages. :D <3