

copperchan #Ms2 Talk

General Ms2

MapleStory 2 Everything you need to know We wanted to inform everyone about what is currently known about MapleStory 2. Everything that is said in this post is based on facts and backed up by a source. Enjoy reading! Nexon acknowledged the existence of MapleStory 2 for the first time at Gstar 2009, and announced that Eun Do Che, director of Wizet, was assigned to start this game's development last year. At the press conference, Eun Do Che admitted that there's indeed a team working on MapleStory 2 development. But this is still kept secret within the company. Developers of MapleStory are also helping with the game's development. In the future, Seong Chan Lee will take over as the director of Wizet and apply himself to MapleStory 2 developme