

cutemoomoo #General Talk


Theory of Lotus: The Mysterious Decay of HMS This discussion thread is based on the fact that the skill 'Holy Magic Shell (HMS)' blocks purple bomb which is one of the insta-kill skills used by the evil Black-Mage-Commander-Who-Wears-Pajamas (BMCWWP) a.k.a. Lotus. Quick background intro: Yesterday my buddies and I were in our usual weekly BMCWWP raid, there was a moment when I noticed I lost my HMS buff, so as a veteran Lotus raider I gave a quick glance at my keyboard quickslots and found out my HMS skill was still on cooldown. After 1.618s I got the mixed feeling of 68.3% deja-vu, 95.4% chronophobia and 99.7% obsessive-compulsive disorder, since BMCWWP’s bomb attack isn’t capable of consuming all HMS counts unless you delibe