

Come join BattleCry - Bera Guild

Hello hello, fellow Basilers! We're back at it again with another recruitment listing for BattleCry! If you're interested in joining an awesome sauce guild filled with AHH-mazing people, look no further!
What is BattleCry?
We are a guild dedicated to helping our members have fun while Mapling. We don't have a bajillion members on at any given time, we don't have a truckload of Lv.250's, and we definitely can't kill Lucid with two hands tied beneath our keyboards... but -A HUGE BUTT- we love to joke around with each other, we celebrate with one another, and we have experiences together- we have FUN. BattleCry may not be the biggest, most "pro", or most renowned guild, but we are a family. I'd also like to mention that in BattleCry, you are accepted for your personality rather than your pixels. Simply put, if you're the most funded, decked-out player in the Maple World but also a total jerk, you won't be receiving our guild invitation anytime soon. Here, we like you for who YOU are, and we don't judge you based on your avatar!
--NO LEVEL REQUIREMENT! Yep, you read right. Part of our goal is to help our members level up, so higher leveled players are especially encouraged to help out the lower levels. Everyone is welcomed-- from Maple veterans, to players just starting out.
--No fishy business (ie. hacking, scamming, initiating kill steals, or threatening other players).Be respectful AND respectable. Although there is no age requirement, most of our members are 21+, so a level of maturity is expected.
--Be as active as you can. We all have priorities outside of the game, and there definitely will be times when people need to be inactive for a while; however, what's the point of joining a gaming community where there is NO community? Please try to be on as much as you can.
--TALK TO US! I can't stress this point enough. We'd all like to get to know you as a person, but it'd be difficult to do so if you never utter a word. BattleCry is a judge-free zone and we value everyone's opinion, so don't hesitate to join in a convo--whether in-game or on our Discord server. We won't bite, I swear! ;D
Guild Activities:
We like to do things together which include, but are not limited to, a variety of party quests, group training sessions, and bosses (we have everything down but Lucid at the moment).

We also have our share of guild events for special occasions and accomplishments!
To apply to join BattleCry, please reply to the thread or private message the following information (lurkers will not be added, sorry!):
* Name/nickname
* Level and character's job
* Previous guilds (if any)
* Something about yourself/why you'd like to join
Once everything's set, we will contact you in the game and add you to the guild. There will then be a 2-week trial period in which both you and the members can see if we're the right fit for you. Note that the majority of us play in North America (primarily PST) throughout the day.
Hope to hear from you all soon! Til then, peace and happy Mapling!

March 1, 2018