
banned for being afk

so i left my character afk in henesys market overnight to find out that my account was banned for a week for misconduct when i had clearly done nothing, i know for a fact my family wouldn't touch my laptop either
now some of you may say it might be from some previous thing i had done, let me assure you i have one of the cleanest records in out there from not only refraining myself from using foul language. I have also helped people out from blunders of scammers from australians guild, time after time we have had a few people who went into the guild and started scamming, i choose time after time those pleas that if we recognise a scammer it goes to amongst the richer in the guild, as i have a large ammount of items i have been able to help transfer items without stealing such that sometimes i have come to see how rich people are in the guild and as such i have helped numerous people obtain their items back when some1 amongst the guild has scammed, when we cannot come to such a way that we can get some items back we normally try to recompensate them such that throughout my 3 years in the guild i have given a total of 60b in raw mesos. I have even helped those new along the way whenever they didn't know without even thinking for a second that they were annoying or anything
i have enjoyed this game for the years i have played, i was amongst the people in beta and throughout that time i have been hacked 4 times only to come back with a clean slate, no begging, no buying mesos with money, no scamming
so far the only way which i have obtained nx is by buying it with real money at appropriate stores and the only things which i have used it for is permanent pets and to gift items to friends
now i really want to vent out my anger at nexon as now they have broken my attendances, my rings and i miss out on the hot days, i will no longer get the 3 absolute rings nor will i get my unique pot scrolls
what i really want to ask is if it's still worth playing or not, i really detest the fact that right now there are people who are using multiple accounts to get perfect rings and using those numerous characters to numerously report other people such that they get instant banned for a week such to be the only ones to have the absolute rings.
do you guys reckon i should continue playing or just give up and share what i have left to those of which i trust are fair players in my bl and guild, i have 80k nx unused, like 30b in mesos and loads in items
i've already put in a ticket to try and get some sort of recompensation
i'd love your opinions and a fair judgement on what i should do

August 11, 2013

5 Comments • Newest first


lots of people have been randomly banned for just staying afk in the free market there are lots of threads about this so your not the only one

Reply August 12, 2013

actually, when you have a shorter ticket they tend to be responded quickly, i was once banned on my phant and my ticket was short such that it was fixed in a day
for this i was banned on friday and they only read tickets from mon-fri so it's still questionable on if anything on what will happen
as for a while ago, i took a 2 month break then came back for xenon, so far since then i have done nothing in which will get me banned
i have always refrained from using foul language as such that the closest i ever get to is FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF or use of the first letter of the word implied followed by random letters such as FVTGHUJKIL, i like to treat people the same way i want to be treated and as such i've never even mass defamed anyone out of a grudge either, i tend to defame them once and attempt to avoid them such that every time i see them i'd just cc or go somewhere else

Reply August 12, 2013

[quote=opmeTK]Dude, it's a week. I think you can handle a week without maple.[/quote]

dude, it's not just a week, im missing out on absolute rings, hot time and my checkin events

for those who requested TL;DR
i've been through maple since beta even though i been hacked, helped numerous strangers who have been scammed by guildies(now they should be ex guildies) and given up alot of mesos just so that others can enjoy the game

Reply August 11, 2013

What the hell
Tldr plsssssss

Reply August 11, 2013