daringwaffle #Thief Talk

General Thief

Which explorer thief is best Hey, so at the moment im working on funding my night lord, but im constantly wondering... which thief is best at bossing? in terms of DPS and actual efficiency? of course night lord is best for gollux, no doubt, but for other bosses I dont plan on switching to db/shad for a while yet, but if i ever get bored haha Ive mained all 3 at some point in time. I keep hearing Shadower has the best dps, then best dps only at cap, then not even at cap, and all other claims for the record, i plan on sitting around 1m -1.2m probably on my thief. I never understood how which is best ever changes other than at cap. why would shadower be best at low funds, 2nd med funds, and best cap funded?

General Thief

How much elemental resist ignore does Nw actually have So I was looking through skills, and my friend is trying to convince me IM wrong. I believe NW has 90% elemental resist ignore or what ever its actually called(the part where CRA/magnus/emp cut your damage in half) Beginner tab we have elemental expert which says it frees us from elemental restrictions on our attacks. -50% elemental attributes then in 3rd job we have enveloping darkness- "elemental resistance +30%" and finally our link skill "+10% elemental resistance" So is it 90% or 50% and the other 40 is just talking about enemy attacks with elemental attributes?

General Thief

Empress Vs top/bottom, all thieves I know this has been asked around a lot right now im rocking 12%luk czak 19atk 12% luk BFC 38atk 12%all Vss 20% pants 13% top The gear im looking at buying is; 12atk helm(3% all 3l epic) 12 atk cape(9% luk 3lined epic) 12 atk shoes (6% all 3l unique) and i have 15atk overall 2l epic 0%luk i have the empress cane and empress gloves how much more % luk do you guys think it will take to get the same range as my equips? and how much range do you think ill drop at first? im at 50k clean with a clean cane atm Basically what i want to know is if its all worth the effort, and will it eventually be able to be better than top/bottom at only 12 atk each?