darklord666 #Wildhunter Talk

General Wildhunter

Skill Issues Wild Hunter Possibly Lost Skill Effects I have left this on the official forums as well. Bug type: Wild Hunter Skill Bugs Brief bug summary: The Wild Hunter skills that involve additional hits (such as Final Attack and Advanced Final Attack) may not be giving the right increase in attack or even be happening. Multipliers for Boss Damage also seem inaccurate. Skill descriptions inaccurate and initiated/instanced incorrectly. More details: Many changes were made for this class, but I believe that the skills that involve Boss Damage and additional attacks aren't working properly, nor are their descriptions/effects. Before the revamp, I have been able to clear Mu Lung Dojo relatively quickly, average time being at about 5 minutes a

General Wildhunter

Opening Up to Community More Via Videos The Poll is so that I can gauge what you guys want help with most. Of course I will do my best to cover all topics but I feel for obvious reasons, you all should decide what should be covered first. Highest poll by end of this week and I will cover it in next weeks video. Videos I make this week or introduction to what I am capable of. I do take the criticism seriously too as it will help me push more content that YOU the mapler community would like to see. I always wanted to try and create a guide or damage calculator, but it just seemed like too much for me to go through and a lot of the time it would have just looked a lot like a copy & paste adventure with a opinion attached followed by a draw