What other champions should I play?

Hey there, I am a jungler main but recently I've been wanting to go back to laning more specifically top and mid. So far I'm good with
Top: Nasus(recently picked him up), Renekton, Riven, Rengar, Wukong, Jax
Mid: Katarina, Zed, Ziggs, LeBlanc.

What other champs should I play? For top lane I'd prefer to have someone as a Tanky or AD Bruiser and mid, I'd like to have good roaming potential. I've been thinking about Yasuo.

February 12, 2014

5 Comments • Newest first


[quote=davehester]Give Ryze a try but make sure to smart cast if you do want to pick him up. People say he's a Garen tier champ in terms of skill but he is actually one of the hardest champs to master. Once you can actually play Ryze properly, he is one of the tankiest mages due to the nature of his ultimate and his build, one of the highest late game damaging champs because of his passive, one of the best 1v1 champs in the game.

Being a fed Ryze makes you feel like an unstoppable force.[/quote]

I do recall trying Ryze once and that's how I felt, like a walking machine gun. I haven't about mid lane because I've been playing a lot of bursty assassins mid lately.

Reply February 12, 2014

Give Ryze a try but make sure to smart cast if you do want to pick him up. People say he's a Garen tier champ in terms of skill but he is actually one of the hardest champs to master. Once you can actually play Ryze properly, he is one of the tankiest mages due to the nature of his ultimate and his build, one of the highest late game damaging champs because of his passive, one of the best 1v1 champs in the game.

Being a fed Ryze makes you feel like an unstoppable force.

Reply February 12, 2014

Just play whatever champion and if you like it then get better at it. It's not what you should play, its what you can play.

Reply February 12, 2014

Your summoner's name so that i can research you?

Reply February 12, 2014