
When should I go to Lkc?

I'm at 110 now, but I'm having trouble finding a good party. I think I'll get less EXP if I go to LKC, Is aliens, better at this time? Because I'm a mercedes and I do basically nothing there right now, my damage is so bad. So when should I go? What level?

March 3, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=RomneyUS] Just don't die at LKC and try to not "Leech" (don't just sit on a rope..attack even if your aren't killing).

That's what I did on my Kaiser. Once I got to 135, I am able to take down the entire map QQ *Kaiser Powaaa!*[/quote]

You went from not being able to kill to taking out the entire map within 25 levels. Nice stuff.

Reply March 3, 2013

aliens is still good, especially tomorrow at 2x if u can find a channel. if u can find a decent party at lhc it will be better though. try searching for a party tomorrow at 2x

Reply March 3, 2013