
Is bello worth staying in?

I have a level 50 dit in bello, but I tried training him and it's so empty, is it usually like this? There aren't many people to talk to so I was wondering is worth staying?

May 11, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


Honestly, if you aren't in an active alliance than Bello might seem inactive but it is far from that. However, that being said, getting into a good alliance with no scammers/hackers/etc. is somewhat hard i guess. I would go to Scania if you're just looking to have people in your world but not willing to actually becoming invested in an alliance/guild.

Reply May 12, 2014

Bellonova isn't so empty that it's hard to find people to do things with. Advice if you're staying is channel 1 is your friend.

Reply May 12, 2014

Well there might be a world transfer event this summer... but I actually like bello, I just always stay in channel 1 tho.

Reply May 11, 2014

if you only have one character and it's only level 50, than i would probably switch if i wanted to

there are plenty of people to make friends with in bellonova i've never had an issue

Reply May 11, 2014