

derpypie #Kaiser Talk

General Kaiser

Ds or Kaiser? Which has most potential? I like the looks of Kaiser, but I LOVE playing my DS (idk how much ill love kaiser) Now I know I could transfer equips, but ive reached the point on my DS where empress is the equips I should use. Also if I play my DS, then I am buying a Bed Head Hair (M) coupon and equipping my grey cat hood on it, but with kaiser I would just equip the grey cat hood on it. Also, my DS has ALL my perma Nx atm, including the 6th anniversary Nx cash set and perma nx from before they took out the perma Nx option. where as my kaiser would need all new Nx.

General Kaiser

What to do till Kaiser? they come december 17th. First day of xmas break is 22nd, today is now the 2nd.... Now, I will be playing it 17-22nd, but I probably wont be 4th job by the 22nd (I like to take new classes as quickly slow as possible (if that makes sense) so I get to enjoy them, but I'm never stuck in a rut) but that's not the issue here. [header]ISSUE[/header] There is still 15 days left till kaiser. atm all my characters are unfunded for the most part (spare bits here and there, but no stars on my NL, and no equips on any other chars) I'm thinking of playing my Phantom and Mercedes till luminous, then I'll kill some time playing luminous, hopefully kill enough time to get to the 17th, then after the 17th, its kaiser time (wow, I ha

General Kaiser

Playing Kaiser in Ems WELLLLLLL... I was really looking forward to playing kaiser, so I made an EMS account, and have been playing that for a while. So far what I'm finding, is that EMS is the fun part, not Kaiser. Funnest part of playing for me? Seeing old NLC, checking out EMS only nx items, seeing what all the differences are between EMS and GMS (ie, att +30 instead of att: 30 on a wep) Anyways, this experience in EMS has shown me that kaiser is not as fun as I was hoping, and so I shall return to GMS (or maybe stay in EMS a little longer just not on kaiser) and pick a different class. Any questions about what playing a kaiser is like? feel free to ask, I'll give you my personal opinion

General Kaiser

Crazy Kaiser Swords? Cursed Kaiserium 2H Sword - Warrior Req Level: 150 Req STR: 999 STR: 50 DEX: 50 INT: 50 LUK: 50 Weapon Attack: 250 Equip tradeblock Platinum Scissors of Karma Normal(6) 0 slots Liberated Kaiserium 2H Sword - Warrior Req Level: 150 Req STR: 999 STR: 200 DEX: 200 INT: 200 LUK: 200 Weapon Attack: 400 Untradeable Normal(6) 0 slots off of www[DOT]southperry[DOT]net/showthread.php?t=61414&title=GMS%20v123%20-%20Tempest Anyone know how to get these weps?

General Kaiser

Phantom or Kaiser? EDIT: Or demonslayer? Phatom PROS -Currently have one made (lvl 21 so basically new) -Now they are nerfed you don't get so many people bandwagonning the class -Steal skills (hopefully only temporarily nerfed, seeing as how thats the whole draw of phantoms) allows for easy change of class while keeping the same character -Cheaper gear atm, since everyone wants gear for luminous/kaiser/angelic burster CONS -They've been nerfed, so they are weaker now Kaiser -Looks like sooooo much fun -Is actually the weakest of the 3 new classes so that should reduce mass bandwagoning CONS -Require patience if I want to play one and make it my main. Which one should I play?