

doomfire77 #Blazewizard Talk

General Blazewizard

Blaze Wizard 5thjob anyone else actually really happy with that amazing giant fireball? they gave us our old fireball back this time its bigger and badder :P really happy with it, what are your thoughts? Blazing Orbital Flame: damage, attack interval, and range have been adjusted, now has additional defense ignore Level 1: Consumes 350 MP. Shoot a huge flame in a specified direction that deals 620% damage 6 times on up to 12 enemies with an additional 50% defense ignore then returns to your position. Cooldown: 3 seconds. Level 50: Consumes 350 MP. Shoot a huge flame in a specified direction that deals 1000% damage 6 times on up to 12 enemies with an additional 50% defense ignore then returns to your position. Cooldown: 3 seconds. ps check o