

dopeazn #Chat Talk

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School is so stressful, man. I'm so envious of you little kids doing almost nothing in school and still getting good grades. It's not that easy for me, in 11th grade. I have too much homework. It was much easier last year. I didn't do any homework at home at all, I just copied it or did it during class and I had way better grades. I still did good on the tests. Everything was so easy before this year. Right now I'm getting 2 A's (yeah one is in p.e., nothing to brag about) 2 B's 1 C and 1 D. I have no idea why I'm working harder and getting much worse grades. When colleges see my grades, they will never accept me. I don't think it's fair that your life is determined by these stupid letters. They mean nothing to me. Doing homework pisses me

General Chat

My first time failing a class. Yesterday I took my Precalculus finals. Today I got my grades back. I got a D on it. Now my grade is exactly 64%, which still counts as an F for some reason. I'm so ashamed especially because I'm asian. I studied hard for like 2 hours but a lot of people failed that test and it was worth a lot of points. The best score in the class was a flat 80%. A lot of people are getting C's, D's, and F's in that class. My teacher is alright but.. precalculus is just really hard. I swear next semester I'll discipline myself and study 10x harder. I can make up the credits in summer school. I'm in 11th grade and my grades are really important this year. I'm getting 1 a, 3 b's, 1 C and 1 F. I'm so disappointed because I do mu

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Chinese Basketball Team Fight vs. Americans [url=]Source 1.[/url] [url=]Source 2.[/url] [url=]Source 3.[/url] Gene Wang of the Washington Post reported that the game against the Bayi Rockets in Beijing turned violent with just under 10 minutes remaining in the game. Punches and chairs were thrown and spectators pelted Georgetown players with full water bottles. Wang reported that it was the second time the benches cle