

Axes and Swords

Well I was wondering if there is a difference between axes and sword besides the fact that one is a sword, the other is an axe f3. I've been wondering this since axes tend to be cheaper and I could probably afford to perfect one with gm scrolls. If there is a difference for heroes, please post below Thanks.

August 13, 2011

5 Comments • Newest first


axe u fruitcake the vip 2handed is same speed of 2h sword im pretty sure and the axe has more att
btw vip 2h is 122 att normal (axe)
vip 1h axe (more att i think) same as vip 1sword
i got my 1h for 750 clean 121 att scrolls are 100-200
1h vip sword 1b+ scrolls 275-300
2h axe 300-600 scrolls 100m
2h sword dono f3 scrolls 300m

Reply August 14, 2011 - edited

I bought a clean VIP 2H axe 150m, then the GM scrolls 30~60m each <3. Potential 3-lined too! But i need to buy NX with mesos, I dont spend RL money.
IMO opinion axes look so much cooler, and I feel like swords are meant to be one handed ... but axes of the same level as a sword usually have 1~3 more weapon attack and are slower than the sword. So DPM wise, swords are better (faster speed so they can make up for the missing ATT).
IF you can find an axe with 6 speed (vip's)
+ Booster (makes the speed 4)
+ The soon to be Decent Speed Infusion (makes the speed 3)
+ A Battle Mage friend's yellow Aura.
= 2 speed, which is the speed cap makes the axe way better than the sword! So if you're bossing, find a BaM or Bucc for Yellow Aura or Speed Infusion .

Reply August 14, 2011 - edited

You guys know the prices of a VIP 1H Axe and 2H Axe?

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

Axes have higher base attack but are generally slower. Some axes are normal speed which is the same as a 2h sword. Other than that...I don't think there's a real difference besides price. I was thinking of perfecting a 2h axe with GM scrolls too just cause swords are too expensive.

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited

Axes have more att I believe but swords are faster although some axes match the speed of swords

Reply August 13, 2011 - edited