dr4g0ns1ay3r #Anime Talk

General Anime

What Happen to D. Gray Mans Author? Does anyone knew what happen to her? I heard she survive cancer or something but wondering what she's doing now. The name's Katsura Hoshino. I get a feeling about that contract was ruined due to her long hiatus for illness reasons. I keep seeing rumors that she's making a new manga. Sigh another good manga left unfinished. It stopped on a huge cliffhanger too :~( Maybe she can't draw anymore or lost the idea of the true ending and she's hiding that from everybody else. But every month I will check on the manga until I [url=http://24.media.tumblr.com/c9990dcabe779e7777bd6ad15ab60f9b/tumblr_n30c4enYYY1qjxq2fo1_500.jpg]die[/url].

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