

drager260 #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

P/C 99 Att Lampion Hey guys can I please have a price check on this lampion? I'm trying to get around 3b or so for it but no one is offering around that, one person said it's max mesos but it cost me like 2.2b to make it lol..Well the stats are 99 att 11 luk hammered 3 lines crap pot If anyone can give me an estimate I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! Also, I sold a 106 attack unenhanced for 4.3b, was this a good deal or no? I needed the mesos so I had to sell my claws ><

General Nightlord

P/C Lampion Please Helloo guys, I was just wondering how much I can get for my lampion. The stats are 104 attack 10 luk no enhancements and it is 3 lined rare. I really don't want to sell it but I just hate how it's a reverse item and it loses value after equipping it >< I mean the claw itself looks sexy but I'd rather just get a VIP claw when VPQ returns. I just shouldn't have scrolled at all, lost some mesos from the previous lampions I scrolled =/ Anyways! P/C please!

General Nightlord

P/C Timeless Lampion please Hey basil can I please get a price check on a 110 attack hammered enhanced once 2 lined timeless lampion? I just scrolled one for fun and was wondering how much it'd sell for. Spent around 4.5b making it, I'm not sure if I profited or not so that's why I'm here. Also, depending on offers I may enhance it one to two times more, so can I also get a price check on 113 attack and 116 attack? Thanks guys! Just in case someone asks for an SS, here it is.

General Nightlord

What should I do now? Well guys, I just hit level 140 on my NL and I have 22 SP leftover. I've been trying to get SS20 for days now but it's virtually impossible to find =/ I mean I'd love to max SS asap but is there something else that is pretty important that I can max? Maybe MW? By the time I actually find this cursed skills book I might even be 15x >< Current build TT-Maxed SS-10 Shadow Claw-1 And that's all =O What would you guys do in my situation? Thanks guys!

General Nightlord

Around how much would all this cost me? Hey basil I'm finally buying my % luk equips for my night lord! I was wondering about how much mesos I would need in order to have end game equips. I'm going to need: 15% luk clean or dex scrolled chaos zakum helm 15% luk HTP 15% luk clean or luk scrolls cape 15% luk top/bottom clean 15% luk shoes clean or scrolled with dex 15% luk 6 att or so belt And I think that's it for now. I'm not going to get face accessories now =O If I could have an estimate for all of these equips it'd be very appreciated. Thanks!