

dubmason #Chat Talk

General Chat

I think I messed up So, there's this girl I like, and we've been hanging out a lot lately (not alone, just at group events). I've always extended myself out to her in attempting to show her that I like her, and she hasn't noticed yet. And, yesterday, she said she couldn't go to a group event on saturday due to her going somewhere and that she felt really bad. I told her it was all good and everyone would understand, but after that she said, "We should hang out when I get back though!" and then suggested that we go to the park on the following saturday. After she said that, I was confused of whether she meant the group or just myself. So, in a half-panic I said that going to the park would be awesome, and said that I could try to g

General Chat

Why is it that Whenever I'm sitting here, there's this guy, who just sits outside my house and stares at me through my window? He keeps asking me to be his GF and buy him NX so we can go half shot Horntail and go on a magical honeymoon to Henesys and get married in-game and live happily ever after. He said we'd have internet relations 5 times a week, and he would stream them on TTV and make money off of it so that he can pay his child support for his family in Bermuda. He said his special talents are eating small children, shooting nerf guns, and fushigi. What do you Basilers think I should do? He seems nice.

General Chat

Looking for a support for a ranked 5s Lol team We need a support for our ranked 5's team in order for us to actually start getting ranked. Our team has little ranked 5's experience due to not being able to enter queues with a full 5's team. Our IGN's are: Top: Dubmason - Just starting to get into ranked, but improving exponentially Mid: Azbine - Great mid that has much ranked experience, usually carries and is half-leader ADC: C4gusk1nk - Has some ranked experience despite the absence of a support, unstoppable as ADC if a good support is supplied. The other half-leader Jungle: Saph1r3s - Great with ganks, has little ranked experience but works VERY well with team collaberation Our team name is "Have Good Luck Fun" ; The leagues we

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