elmodahpimp #Icelightningarchmage Talk

General Icelightningarchmage

Disconnecting if you attack too much? So I was doing Monster Park on my Ice Lightning mage, and I've crashed twice, and it seems like it's coming from my attacking a lot, I was spamming Chain Lightning and then maple freezes and BAM disconnected. I saw some threads about lagging when you use Glacier Chain or Chain Lightning, but I've never heard of anything like crashing if you attack a good 25-40 times. From my perspective, it seems like it's coming from Arcane Aim (probably pointing out the obvious). But is that the reason I've been disconnecting, my attacking? If so is there anyway to fix this, or do can I only sit around and wait for Nexon to realize this issue and fix it.. :( I hope it's not the ladder because I'm really enjoying my Ic

General Icelightningarchmage

I need help deciding. Hey guys, so I've been working on making another UA and I really want to make a Mage, but I'm not sure if I should go for a F/P or an I/L. Could you guys give me a little help, with pros and cons? I've done some looking into it and I'm kind of leaning towards I/L but everytime I go to look at their skills and such I can't bring myself to a dicision. I dont really care about damage, but I'd like to know which ones you think is fun. Thanks guys :D