
Lag/freeze at multi-kill prompt, boss kill/drop, pet loot

EDIT: This is a reboot exclusive lag as there are no lags present in any other servers.

I am constantly lagging/freezing when I kill multiple mobs at once, my pet loots multiple items or the multi mob prompt pops up. It also happens when I kill a boss mob and it drops lots of loots. The game simply freezes for a couple seconds. This is extremely annoying as I am sure that my rig is more than capable of handling maplestory. I am from Australia and we already have notorious latency issue and with this huge performance issue, the game is becoming unplayable for me.
My rig:
Intel i7 4670K, Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6 GB, 32 GB Corsair Vengeance Pro 2800 MHz RAM, 500 GB Samsung SSD, 2 TB HDD 7200 RPM
P.S. I am running all games on ultra and getting no less than a steady 60 FPS. Maplestory is the only one with performance issue.

December 7, 2015

3 Comments • Newest first


The exact samething happens to me in Broa

Reply December 7, 2015 - edited

I have the same issue. I can run complex 3d open world games no issue, but a 2d sidescroller from 2005? Nah. Nexon will never optimize this game.

Reply December 7, 2015 - edited

This happens to me as well, although it's not as extreme as your case even though my computer specs are far lower grade than yours. (I'm in New Zealand)

Only usually happens to me when I loot A LOT of drops at once. Ocassionally I get what I call 'attack lag' where the frames freeze for half a second and play for half a second when attacking...
My friend from Australia also has this problem with a computer with good specs. Not sure why it happens.

I've sent in a ticket to Nexon asking for help with this when it was reallyyy bad for me, but they haven't replied in a month after having 'sent it to the technical department' so... ouo

Reply December 7, 2015 - edited