
How do I get Emp or Cra set for my Zero?

Or any gear in general? Can I just buy and use anything from FM or do I have to find those scrolls that have a certain % chance to give you the whole set?

December 5, 2014

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=kaxi]The scrolls doesn't give you % chance to give the whole set. Rather, it allows you to "scroll" your zero weapon to be one of the sets.
For example, if you scroll a Root Abyss scroll onto your weapon, your weapon will be considered part of the fafnir set.
You would have to get every gear, except for the weapon. The weapon scroll can be acquired most likely through FM, or you can find it as some drops.
There are also some possible scrolls in the Time coin shop in the Zero place. [/quote]

ok so i can PSOK my CRA top and bottem and use them on my zero? nice!

Reply December 5, 2014

The scrolls doesn't give you % chance to give the whole set. Rather, it allows you to "scroll" your zero weapon to be one of the sets.
For example, if you scroll a Root Abyss scroll onto your weapon, your weapon will be considered part of the fafnir set.
You would have to get every gear, except for the weapon. The weapon scroll can be acquired most likely through FM, or you can find it as some drops.
There are also some possible scrolls in the Time coin shop in the Zero place.

Reply December 5, 2014