

esteban #Darkknight Talk

General Darkknight

What most excites you as a DK/DRK? As Spearman, Dragon Knights, Dark Knights! what do you really love about our classes as of now? ALSO whaaaaaaaat are YOU really looking forward to in particular when the big bang patch is finally here? Whether it be just to see one skill or the new things we could be capable of! wo0o0o I cant wait for Dragon Judgement Also if you feel like it and if possible O_O? list Two things you Do NOT want to see out of our CLASSES? Im talking about skills, and newly formed pros and cons (dont list bandwagoners/expensive equips) I dont like the idea of the name of dark force lol. oh well its only a name.

General Darkknight

New Spearman skill build Guide line for the future! Sorry for the weird title I originally had it called New spearman skill build guideline for BB but for some reason it was added to the BB discussion section F7. Okay so far I have been reading around about Ground smash versus slash blast + Improving fundamentals. So I think I`ll take a crack at explaining why I am siding with SB+IF rather than getting GS. As for now this technically is a guideline thingy of a sort , yet I'd like to someday make it an official guide perhaps after hearing everyones thoughts, insight, ideas, preferences, etc. However this guideline is no where near in a guide format. So sorry but just sit tight and read on~ For spearman listen closely, I understand that Groun

General Darkknight

To All Dark Knights and anyone who cares about them After wandering around the Warrior and Spearman branch in particular I've witnessed lots of negativity and turmoil about the current Dark Knight. So I wanted to take us all back for a brief moment in the past of how much love, excitement, and attention Dark Knights once had. Hopefully this might reignite not class pride or class ego, but class passion. Along with a second look and thought to consider towards Dark Knights. So my point is let's cut down on how much we've been all focusing on the weaknesses, the shortcomings, the disadvantages, and the bad. So we could all see the good things Dark Knights offer (not restricted to gameplay). This thread might come back to haunt me and will be