

eyeholes #General Talk


My 2nd Cry For Help Hey Basil! I saw this in another thread which involved a lot of p/c. I'm attempting to do the same thing so I can get rid of ALL my junk. I've posted something like this already but I barely got answers, so here goes my 2nd try. Please take this seriously as I took time to do this. Any help would be appreciated doesn't matter what world you're from and I'll even want the prices of worthless items. The reason why I can't go to the FM is because a lot of these items I can't find in the FM and FM lags me too much so I freeze and DC. If you'd like to buy any items here please contact me. YMCK. Still want other worlds p/c if none from YMCK can be found. TY [b]EQPS[/b] 1.[url=http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n620/HerSecrett


Planning On Buying Cs Boxes In Another World to Make Profit Hey Basil! Would you think I can make a good profit with 12k nx? What I'm planning to do is make a mule in Scania Windia or GAZED.. ( Still can't decide ) and then buy cs boxes and sell them to make mesos for my new main ( which would be in one of the 3 worlds..) I won't be buying nx and this is the only nx I have left. Would you guys think it would a good idea? And which of the 3 worlds I mentioned would make the most profit. THANKSS!


P/c Cs Boxes So I did a cs run in Scania! Hello new worldd. Was wondering how much these items cost. Thankss! 90 Days-- Aran's Cape Superstar Headphones Grey Cat Hood Pink-Dotted Top (Female) White Outlaw Shirt Big White Sunglasses Brisk Rabbit Ear Puppy Tail (Black) Black "Hit Me" Shirt Vintage Hooded Shirt Frameless Glasses Grey Visor Beanie (x2) Tomato Ring PERM-- Pitch Dark Outfit Yellow Bell Robe. PM me 366days if you wanna offer. Because I do want to be able to start a new main, please don't try to rip me off too badly.. :c Thanks!


Lag For Life Honestly, Maplestory has become SOOOO laggy. I quit because of this and ofc no friends (sad life), but now I can't do ANYTHING without lagging. I can't train, talk, or even walk without freezing. I used to never EVER lag in towns or FMs now I can't even step outside of Henesys Park. It takes me literally 5 minutes to walk across the map and enter a portal. I barely lag in anything else. I play LoL and use the internet to stream videos and do not lag (ofc I close everything before playing). If anyone has any suggestions on how to make myself lag less, PLEASE feel free to share. Happy mapling.


Being Able to Use a Level 30 Skillbook When Your Max is 10 Not sure if this was mentioned before or if its a glitch but you can now use a level 30 skillbook if your skill is level 10 (not sure if it has to be level 10). For example, if you have level 10 Cane Expert, you may use a Level 30 Cane Expert Skillbook. I tried it just now and asked a party member and they said it worked for them too. Maybe now you can save money from MW 20's, again idk if it works for every skill. Just wanted to share. EDIT: oh I guess I was wrong. Just Renegades Skill Books.


Maple Leaves Invisible Glitch? Sorry if this has been posted before but I couldn't find an explanation on google so here I am! So idk if this is a glitch or not but I was doing Romeo and Juliet PQ and I discovered that the monsters didn't drop any event items. Like Maple leaves, seeds etc. Then after awhile they appeared for alittle while and then disapeared. My party member said there were a lot but I couldn't see or even pick them up. What's going on? I'm on my WA btw. UPDATE: Now I can't even buff? WTH UPDATE 2: Okey that was apparently lag. But still no maple leaves.

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