
Threatened For Preventing A Scam

So this guy named ZottenKrexel (yes i will name names) offered my friend like 200m of crap for her 2% dex branch nose, and i obviously told her no thats not a good deal.
After a bunch of time wasted of him trying to get her to sell it he eventually offered her a 27 atk bwg which her said was worth 1.5b....LOL
It obviously isnt and i told her the real price of one, she ended up not really caring if she gets ripped of a little bit for it she just wanted the 27 atk bwg, so yea whatever, its her item.
Anyway, after all this crap about him trying to buy it for a dodgy offer and me continuing to tell her that he is only trying to scam her she did the trade with him so he still would of been happy, he ends up threatening to ks me and my friend who was also there... Seriously what the hell? What a joke... He is obviously too obsessed with this damn game... Threatened for preventing him scamming my friend ? EL OH EL

What do you guys think, and has anything like this happened to you before ?

May 10, 2012