

falzar97x #General Talk


Hey look! A new job, Cannoneer! Skills for the new jobs in KMST. 10x more overpowered than mechanics. 10x faster than dual blades. 20x more bandwagoned. (these guys have monkeys and can summon ships. and they have fake arms. THESE ARE TRUE PIRATES MENG!) [b]fortune attack[/b]:+200% dmg at a 7% chance when attacking [b]Build up cannon[/b]:at lv1:2 att, 25 wdef/mdef. at lv10:25 att, 250 wdef/mdef. [b]Cannon Splasher![/b]:Hits 3 monsters. 245% dmg. DoT:over a period of 4 seconds they get 50% dmg over a 1 second interval. [b]Gigantic backstep[/b]:MAx lvlv is 15:210% dmg to 3 mobs. 70% chance to lower speed by 60 for 5 seconds. [b]Punching cannon![/b]:95% knockback. 98% x2 to 6 mobs. (this job has a cannon for an arm. just so you know.) [b]Criti


Chaos patch:Utter madness [b]Adventurers no longer require dark crystals for the 3rd job advancement. :D[/b] ALSO THIS FOR DUAL BLADES! [quote=Amelia]for jobs under 120, all mastery books are given out for free and the books have a 100% chance of working i know this is tespia, but you used to be able to buy masterybooks from goldstein for 10k each. so therefore it probably will be coming out in kms (also because its called "event masterybooks" and is only usable until the 31st of jan and is untradable)[/quote] SS20 100%, FA20 100%, MI book 100%, TS book 100%. Also a new quest called gift of the newbie. idk wat u get from it. sry. probably was made to obviously help newbies.


UA,Van Leon, Chaos Patch Questions thread Post any questions relating to the topic above and i will answer them asap. :D [header]NOTICE[/header] This thread is no longer for just chaos and von leon. I will now upload ALL upcoming KMS content including JUMP and other patches. [header]The 8th Anniversery of Korean maplestory~[/header] [b]New weapons[/b]:New maple weapons and equips for levels 45 and 70. These are obtained via silver coins. [header]Warrior Skill changes-Hero[/header] [b]Intrepid Slash[/b]-225% damage to 3 monsters [b]Enrage[/b]-50 mp, lasts 240 seconds and attack at max 1 enemy. [header]Hero changes after JUMP[/header] [b]Power strike[/b]:280% dmg now(this obviously applies for all warriors not just hero) [b]Slash blast[/b]220