

Skill Dpm Question

So, when hitting cap with both Demon Impact and Carrion Breath, Carrion is obviously much higher DPM because of how fast it is, but the problem is that its % damage is fairly low.
I'm wondering, at what point is using Carrion Breath better DPM than spamming Demon Impact? When you hit 700k per line? 800k?

Obviously DI is better for burst damage at places like Vellum, or attacking Empress while waiting for her DR to go on.
For pure spamming purposes, how high would one have to hit with Carrion to be stronger than Impact?

April 10, 2013

1 Comment • Newest first


Given DI hits 6 times per second (no hypers for simplicity), capped at 999,999 will give 5999994 dps.

Carrion Breath hits 10 times a second (basic 5 hits, no hypers as well), (dont ask me how it's 10 hits, I went through a video I recorded frame by frame at 30 fps, turns out 10 hits for 1 second), Carrion Breath will need to hit slightly more than 600k per line to be on par with DI.

Then again, no hypers. The values might differ a bit if hypers are included.

Edit: current values are in DPS, multiply them by 60 for DPM.

Reply April 13, 2013 - edited