

getting my range up

hey basil ^^,

I wanna solo like zak and other bosses for some mesos, but i've got a to low range for this (7k to 9k buffed and still need to put 20 points into AA and into infinity 10 point)

I've got:

6% int earrings + 5 matk,
2% int shoes,
151 Matk reverse enreal tear,
Clean black messoranger helmet,
black messoranger suit 1 time 60% int scrolled ( 13 int ),
Seeker of guided truth medal ( +5 al stats and +1 Matk/Atk ),
+ 12 int cape,
Mushking leather gloves...
Maple scarf.

I've also only got 23m to get some more range ......

Anyone can help me out?

December 25, 2012

11 Comments • Newest first


Well, I'm not good in suggesting people to make more money so...I'll just help in getting equipment...

- Purple gaia/adventuer cape, It's cheap in I guess it might be dirt cheap in GMS too, or 3~6% int cape~
-3-6%int overall
-6%int shoe
-As for hat, do the "time traveler medal quest" <you'll get a hidden potential hat,reveal it because it has a very high chance of getting 3/6% on your main stat, which is int.
-Get MoN for 10Ma, I'm sure your guildies/allys will organize charity run every week/month
-3-6% int gloves
-As for belt, do 10rounds of Epq(Escape 120++ pqing) for 5 days and you will get a 2MA with +7 int belt, reveal it and hope for %int
-Do Kenta pq for 5days to get a goggle, reveal it and hope for %int

Reply December 28, 2012

Yeah, what the person above said. It also works on luminous, if that suits your preference. I just mentioned kaiser because it has that grapple hook skill, which is useful for treasure island. Never tried it with luminous, but I'd assume that it's a bit slower, and you'll lose out on rewards.

Reply December 27, 2012

[quote=fire0dude]Thanks just dont like the kaiser so much so ill do this on my il mage, and ive got a 50% licky chaos scroll, so shall i use it on my tempest shouulder if ive got it and unlock the potential or not?[/quote]

Kaisers get twice as many coins for the daily tempest coins and the Gale Gourd (every 30 minutes) events though. I.e. 4 per 30 minutes as opposed to 2 on your I/L.

Reply December 27, 2012

Thanks just dont like the kaiser so much so ill do this on my il mage, and ive got a 50% licky chaos scroll, so shall i use it on my tempest shouulder if ive got it and unlock the potential or not?

Reply December 27, 2012

To further explain the events, you can take advantage of themto make money. Since kaiser has a link skill anyways, you should make one to 120, and farm tempest coins along with it. Make sure to loot those boxes and christmas socks, and they give coins as well. Also, when you open 50 of the red boxes, you get a free epic potential scroll, which might be helpful to you in the future.

From the shop, what can be sold easily are tempest rings and shoulders. They're about 4X/8X coins, and I believe they're 20/50m, depending on the potential stats.

Treasure island also can net you about 10m every 6 runs. You xcan also find (advanced) potential/enhancement scrolls too. Good luck!

Reply December 27, 2012

Czak for th helm right?
Yes those rings and shoulders are a good option
Those 2/3 % on belt glove etc, coast like 2/5m ea right?

Still need a good guild ...

Reply December 26, 2012 - edited

Um. 23m isn't gonna get you far. If you can afford it, 2-3% on overall, belt, cape, glove, shield sounds reasonable. E.g. At 142, I've got 15k range with 30%int and a 160 m.atk wand. Also, get your guild to take you on a CWKPQ and scarga run, and if possible, czak too.
As for your wand, it's decent given your funding, but I'd aim for around 160+ m.atk.

EDIT: You can also kenta pq for the kenta's goggles, and get some rings and shoulders from the tempest shop that you can sell. Save one for yourself first though.

Reply December 26, 2012 - edited

Yeah lvl 130, but howmuch % int than and on which items, because i've got 6 on earrings with matk

And i think this is a good wep for my lvl right?

Reply December 26, 2012 - edited

you need more %int and a better wand. also, your level?

Reply December 26, 2012 - edited

Yeah i dont likecrafting so much, but im now just farming coins and buy some tempest shoulders for like 50m ea, but what do i need to buy?

Reply December 25, 2012 - edited

Well do you have any way to make more mesos? Cause 23m won't help you much.
I suggest you make use of this event and sell some tempest rings and shoulders.
Also you can craft, although I don't really do that. And you can do the little stardust quest.
you get 50 of those than you get sent to treasure island, the boxes in there give out reverse equips and dews so you can npc the dews and sell the reverse's.
Hopefully I helped a bit

Reply December 25, 2012 - edited