
The microtransactions nowadays?

Went MIA from maple a while ago for many months and ive gained alot of free time and am itching to play my favorite 2D mmo again, but am going to stay away if its anything like it was. I know Nexon has made alot of changes and whatnot, but ive just got a handful of questions mainly regarding that notorious cashshop.
I know its a free to play game and they need to make their money somehow but how have nexon changed things if at all to make it a little more "free friendly"
Has anything changed gear wise to what you need in the cash shop to really top off your gear IE: Tyrants needing guardians for no booms. Has anything else been added?
And off the topic of cashshop and a little bais of a question but are Dual blades still funsies? i know they require a poop ton of funds but is it still worth it?

Thank ya for the answers if things look up i hope to see ya again Windia~

August 16, 2015