
So just wondering evo ring 3

So, I afk on my ring mule and over a hour goes by but the box doesnt open.
So then as soon as I move my character...instant dc.
Anyone else experiencing this?

January 25, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first


it opens by yourself, you probably lagged and your computer tried to make it respond while you were afk but then when you moved you DCed because you were already lagging

Reply January 25, 2012

[quote=KingongDingong]...The box is not an USE item. Talk to Gaga to exchange.[/quote]
When did I say it was a use item? Lulz. I know its a set-up and opens on its own(Level 6 rings on 8 mules.)
Err had a feeling it was that </3

Reply January 25, 2012 - edited

Hackers, Brometheus. Some kids are mad at something, so instead of devoting their talents to entrepreneurship, they crash a kids game. Nexon has stated that they are experiencing "stability issues," however, they're either oblivious or trying to "protect" us from what we already know.

Proof 1:
Proof 2:

Reply January 25, 2012 - edited

nope i do it in the morning i have evo ring 7

Reply January 25, 2012 - edited