

garyzx100 #Pirate Talk

General Pirate

Stupid greed. Stupid me. A long time ago (15 minutes), I journeyed into the freemarket of Scania. I was planning to scroll a decent gun. I was rummaging through the FM, until I finally found a 76 ATK clean Concerto for 5 mil. Next... I managed to obtain 7 60% Gun ATK Scrolls for 14.7 mil. So I began to scroll. 6 of 7 worked. So now I had an 88 ATK Concerto. I decided to buy 3 Equipment Enhance Scrolls for 6.6 mil in total. First one, success, +2 ATK = 90 ATK. Second one, success, +2 ATK = 92 ATK. Third one... *goes into a dark corner* So... anyone got any spare gun scrolls...