

gotit #General Talk


Restarting on maplestoryagain. Good class to start? I will be coming back to maplestory after while, starting from scrap. What would be a good class to start up with? Not sure whats best any more sience a few more classes have come out sience i last left off on phantoms. I am fine with any class that i can start with zero mesos without that much trouble. I would be starting on scania cuz well...i alredy have an emty account with 13 character slots so yea. (p.s): Also looking for new friends on scania(?) ;D


jobs that exell at bossing Hello, I came back to maple a few months ago and have been building my account back up to shape, i have a good number of link skills and have sort of a clue about what the game is now exept i have no idea how classes stack up it terms of bossing and i want to make a new character with that as a purpose. ATM i have lvl 12x of most chars and a 200k range lvl200 xenon which I feel is fun but dosent boss at the speed i would like (I only do the low tier bossing on it like HT, Czak, normal magnus,etc.) Considering i dont really have much to fund my char other than buying cra set and wep, as well as other generic equips and self fund my self on the way, so which class would you recomend i make?