
P/c Perfected Loveless Knuckle Scania 2

Hello, (I didn't get any answers from previous thread, not even trolls that were spamming all threads before)

I was wondering what's a good price to sell a Loveless Equinox: ATK 159, STR +68, DEX +52, INT +30, LUK +30, ACC +252, 0 slots left, hammered 2X.
--It would be successfully hammered 2x, successfully scrolled with 20% attacks (the 5+ atk, 3+ all stats), 3 Lined Crap pot.

I had some spare leaves, and since it was hard to sell, I spent time in making the knuckle instead.
I DO have 2 protection scrolls, and some 5-star enhancements somewhere...It'll depend on the buyer if he/she/it wants me to enhance it.

Anyways, my question is: UN-ENHANCED, fully scrolled, 3L crap, is it okay to sell it for 1.2 Bil? If I enhanced it successfully with 5-stars, do you think 2 Bil is okay?
To me, profit isn't a huge goal, but I don't wanna be super jipped either...Just more so "Hey, that guy's selling a pretty good deal"

Thank you very much for your thoughts!

June 16, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


@GluteusMinimus: I heard about a TB revamp, but thought that'd be long from now. And woww..never had something over a bil before :X just feels like good money to me.
@KeepSake: Thank you sir. Sounds awesome!

Reply June 16, 2013

perfected with 5 stars yes 4bil

Reply June 16, 2013

[quote=KeepSake]sell for 4bil[/quote]

Would that be for 5-star enhanced or no?

Reply June 16, 2013

sell for 4bil

Reply June 16, 2013