

Bugged Power Transfer? shield

I was walking around with my character to places and I noticed [url=]this[/url] happening a lot.

I'm not sure if this is suppose to happen or if this has happened before for many months (picture is from before the recent patch), but it does happen after getting hit several times normally when stance does not work. It is also disabled after about 14 hits while I was doing the Zakum prequests by getting hit with the fire, falling rocks, etc.

March 27, 2014

2 Comments • Newest first


Seconded, your Transformed look is adorable.

As for Power Transfer, it's been like that since release. Even in KMS, it refreshes every time you attack.

Reply March 28, 2014

[quote=vnxs]Though I've never seen it in the Known Issues, I'm certain it's a bug, and it's been around for as long as I can remember. You have to attack to keep Power Transfer up, which can be annoying.. The duration is the same as all the other buffs (180s), but the icon seems to flicker in and out often. I'm not sure if Power Transfer being active but down affects Iron Blossom's stance bonus.

Your cute AB coordinate makes me wish I had kept the original hairstyle [/quote]

Aha, thanks I really like the dress/hair that goes with it (also gave her "shy soft eyes" to make it work)

But yeah, Power Transfer kind of acts like how Combo for Hero's used to work (every hit refreshed the icon etc). Also, the shield gets completely disabled which means no damage reduction and reduced stance which really bugs me and has happened at bosses.

My post was mostly a warning to others but I'll try to send a ticket.

Reply March 27, 2014