

hirrho #Chat Talk

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American Unemployment office My dads called them 3 days in a row 70+ times each day. I'm not even kidding. The worst part is, EVERY time hes called then (excluding one answer in which they gave him the wrong information.) the lines have been full. And my child support card that I get refilled every two weeks or so has been modified so harshly that I can hardly use the damn thing! They charge me $3.00 just to make a call to see if there is money on it, $1.50-6.00 to make a withdrawl, deepending on when and where I withdraw it, and I can't even use it for fast food or grocery shopping. What has happened to my great country? Anyone else have any financial things theyd like to share?

General Chat

Good Movies Re-Make. Latley there have been some crudy remakes or some remakes to come that aren't going to be good. (imo) Ghost Busters, Bill & Ted's excelent adventure, and other movies. :/ So I'm making this thread about movies that would make a great re-make with today's technology. Rules: Please don't use any trailers with sware words of your movie choice. There are little kids that go on basil and I'm sure we don't want to offend them. Just post a trailer of an older movie that you think would make for a good re-make. I think the movie "The Birds" directed by Alfred Hitchcook(Basil censored it not letting me spell this brilliant director's name correctly.) would make a good re-make if done well. [url=http://www.youtube.c

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Gamer Families Gather Here Does anyone have a family full of gamers? My Mom and Dad were both arcade-rats back in the day. And even now they're still gaming. My sister and I have played since we could pick up a controller. We all haven't had much time to play as a family lately :/ Anyways, I was wondering if any other Basiler's family was like mine. My fiance's family is almost exactly the same too. Her mom is the only one that doesn't play though. P.s. We also play D&D. One of the best RPGs out there in my honest opinion. Editing this 4 times from my iPhone to fit Basil's ridiculous word filter was a lot of fun!

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New Sneak peek music from my band. Idk if any of you remember but awhile ago [maybe a month or 3ish weeks, ago] I posted a video me and my band made on very bad recording from my phone. We have 3 new previews up that we might scrap and replace with another better song or keep it. We still have 3 songs that aren't up yet I might add it Friday or next Saturday depending on if my band mate gets his HD camera...We have a new drummer however, this video is just a guitar preview and micless vocals so it doesn't sound nearly as good. Once again [b]this is not for everyone, its metalcore.[/b] We have changed our name to Rosalia. Check out my youtube page at "[b]SmexiiNinja[/b]" That is where I will be uploading as many vids of us as possi

General Chat

Japanese Learning Games Hello there. I took Japanese in my first semester of College. It's been about a year since then and I haven't really done much with it. As you can imagine I'm very spotty at the language now and would like to become more fluent in it. I found that I learned very well through vocabulary games and was wondering if there were a few good ones out there that you guys would recommend. I'm looking for more free ones but if there are some that cost money and are worth it I would like to know about those as well.

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