

hive26 #Mechanic Talk

General Mechanic

Mechanics 3rd job build Since many people asked me in-game several times what was my 3rd job build, I'll post here as an alternative to the sticked build (I didn't follow that one). 70: +1 Punch; +1 Siege; +1 Dice 70~77: +19 Punch; +2 Metal Fist 77~83: +18 Metal Fist; 83~90: +20 Rock'n'Shock; +1 Sat 90~97: +19 Sat; +2 Accelerator 97~102: +13 Accelerator; +2 Dice 102~109: +17 Dice; +4 Siege 109~113: +3 H-LX; +9 Siege That's my build so far. Obviously I'm gonna end mastering Siege and those points at H-LX was just to see how the skill was since I didn't had any other skill that was gonna help me train . Reason for my build: Punch first for being stronger and faster than atomic hammer (Doesn't make monsters jump). After that comes Metal Fist b

General Mechanic

mechanics damage formula So, I was doing some math using the formula in the BB guide and, for some reason, the max range did not match with the one i have on my mech ._. Formula is: M = m*([4*D] + S)*(0,01*A) Where M = Max range; m = multiplier; D = Dex; S = Str; A = total attack. Using the data from the guide and also using my ability points and att as reference, here's the following: M = 1,5*([4*768] + 122)*(0,01*187) In that case, M = 8959,17, rounding to 8959. The only problem is that my max range is 9917. That made me take a few conclusions: 1. The formula is wrong and for GMS there would be a different formula 2. It's all correct, but the multiplier for mechanics would be different and so it would be something like 1,66 (round number)

General Mechanic

Mech's build 3rd job Basil has a build for mechs on third job but I don't think the guy that made it thought about GMS, even because he considered that a level 70 would train in ariant, lol (everyone knows level 70 trains at jesters, don't know for how long it will stay like that, but let's enjoy ._.) Anyway, his build says it's obvious to master rock'n'shock (there's a different name there cause of KMS, but it's that electric thing with the electric field). Anyone care to explain why is it obvious to max that? I don't see that being used as a must for me ._. It sure is a nice way to attack zak's arms and other bosses, but actually training with that, i don't think so, so I proposed another build to myself where I master rocket punch (seeme