

Magnus Tips

So I just died about 15 times on normal Magnus while rebuffing. I got him to about 20% and was constantly dying from orbs while trying to rebuff, I'm pretty disappointed as damage was not a problem at all. I'm not really sure how to go about this considering we have so many buffs to apply. I know meso guard is useless here so I didn't use it. Also does Hero's Will break the poison? Any tips at all would be appreciated.

April 14, 2015

9 Comments • Newest first


thanks homies
died like 5 times while he was at 5% cause kept knocking me back into orbs

Reply April 16, 2015 - edited

I'm a shadower too and I used to be a lot worse than you. Even when I was almost 2-2 I couldn't do it. Now after practice I can almost always solo normal magnus without getting hit once.

I have fully experienced the buffing issue too and used to die mostly because of buffs. Now, I fully buff before going in. Then I only keep up the most important buffs. They are the following:
1. Pet buffs: Shadow Partner, Booster, Maple Warrior. I personally have haste now instead since I'm at 144% speed without but I suggest MW.
2. Flip the Coin. You must keep this up if you can. The benefits are too good.
The rest in order of usefulness
3. Decent skills (SI > CO > SE), use MW30 after CO
4. Shadower's Instinct
5. Channel Karma
6. Decent skills (AB > HB)
Everything past the first 2 buffs don't really matter. Like everyone else said, don't use macroed buffs. I honestly recommend never using them except for decent skills that you aren't wearing.

Magnus room/boss has a few things to watch out for:
1. The falling balls. You can avoid all of them with dark sight. This makes magnus way easier.
2. Things that spray gas in the room. You cannot avoid these with dark sight. Just don't step on them when they activate or you will be stunned for 10 seconds. When they are active being in dark sight avoids damage.
3. Magnus has a move where he leaps up, and shoots 2 purple flames diagonally from him. Stand under him to avoid these attacks. You cannot avoid this with dark sight. You can use sudden raid or something in the meantime. You will die if you get hit by this.
4. Magnus has a move where he leaps up and puts his sword beneath him. This is when he's going to slam down in a few seconds. Get out of range from that. It has a slightly larger than expected range but it isn't large. You also can't avoid this with dark sight. You can still hit him with assassinate while he's high up though. You will die if you get hit by this.
5. Magnus has a move where he rushes forward. You can not fully avoid this with dark sight. If he hits you within the first 0.5 seconds of the slash then you will take damage. Moving slightly to the left when he charges will make you safe. You will be knocked back if you get hit by this (and if you're in the air).
6. Magnus has a move where he spins around, which will do % hp damage and will knock you back. You will be knocked back if you get hit too.

Use assassinate only, don't use pickpocket and mesos explosion. Don't use boomerang stab and midnight carnival (note: I am aware that midnight carnival > assassinate eventually). Know the range of assassinate. Know the range of his attacks. Know the animations of his attacks and you should be good to go.

Reply April 15, 2015 - edited

@HoboBoxess Darksight avoids his rush attacks, falling rocks, stun smoke (and touch hit if magnus has that). If magnus is near you and you want to rebuff you can go in dark sight and flash jump away from him.

To rebuff skills I recommend to NOT to use Macro'd buff skills, but rather use the skills on each single button so you won't be stuck for 3 buff animations. When you are using macro your character responses much slower, like when you want to walk away during your macro. And if you managed to escape from death then you use the macro again, which means you cast the first buff again while you only need the last one.

Pet skill auto buffs helps too.

Reply April 14, 2015 - edited

Sorry this is irrelevant but im new to basilmarket and it says since i just made a basil account i can't post new threads. Does anyone know how long i have to wait until i can make a new thread? Thanks

Reply April 14, 2015 - edited

@HoboBoxess: The falling rocks, his rush move, touch damage, stun smoke.

Reply April 14, 2015 - edited

[quote=HoboBoxess]So I just died about 15 times on normal Magnus while rebuffing. I got him to about 20% and was constantly dying from orbs while trying to rebuff, I'm pretty disappointed as damage was not a problem at all.[/quote]

There's your problem and your answer. You die from buffing and you say damage is not a problem. Don't use buffs then unless it's like shadow partner or something absolutely necessary.

Reply April 14, 2015 - edited

[quote=HoboBoxess]Dark sight evades what exactly?[/quote]

Falling orbs, and gas I believe.

Reply April 14, 2015 - edited

[quote=Klytta]Dark sight. Macros. Watch for falling rocks. Move if in danger, dark sight first. And ya takes practice but due to being a thief we have a much easier time then most other classes due to dark sight letting us avoid falling rocks and most of his attacks. Besides his 1hkos and curse.[/quote]Dark sight evades what exactly?

Reply April 14, 2015 - edited

Dark sight. Macros. Watch for falling rocks. Move if in danger, dark sight first. And ya takes practice but due to being a thief we have a much easier time then most other classes due to dark sight letting us avoid falling rocks and most of his attacks. Besides his 1hkos and curse.

Reply April 14, 2015 - edited