

hosrack #Chat Talk

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Extremely awkward moment So, in class, i sit next to this girl, and she and I are always mean to each other. Like...she always go: I LOVE YOU! then points middle finger. Today, we were doing a group project. And she said her neck/back is really sore, and if i could help her massage it. At first i thought it was really weird, so i only did it for like 3sec. Then she grabbed my hand and said keep doing it! I was like..Ok...O_O So i was massaging her, and shes like yelling out loud:"HARDER! it feels sooo goood. AHH! AHH! IT HURTS! feel so good" And I happen to be standing behind her when massaging. The whole class was staring at us and theyre like..O_____O OK. They are like..."wow, what a couple, bet they gona get married one da

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Smart Basilers! COME! need your help! Please! Please read over my essay and revise any errors PLEASE. It is for a class contest, if i win i get $100. please~ One of the differences that separate the living from the nonliving is that the living can adapt. This concept can easily be seen in ourselves over time. Let it be emotional, or physical, no part of us can remain as a constant. This has become a blessing in us, and unfortunately, also a curse. Soon after I was born in China, my mom left me for the United States. As a result, I was given to my uncle and aunt to be raised. Though I never knew what it was like to be raised by the person who gave me birth, living with my uncle and aunt was no different. They treated me equally as their chil

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Need help with this girl situation Well, I am a senior in high school right now, but I have liked this girl since 5th grade (yes im pathetic). Anyways, we say hi to each other in hallways and occasional small chats every now and then. Couple days ago, my friend told her how i was so obsessed with her. And this was her reply to my friend over text: "I know haha. I am probably going to end up marrying him :) tell him to put a ring on it!" ...okay so what does that mean?

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Serious girl problem, please help me So i have known this girl since 10th grade, we are in 12th grade right now. And yes..i have liked her ever since 10th grade. We hang out in the same group, and im very close with everyone in the entire group except her..because i have a crush on her. When she is not there, im like super outgoing and social. But when she IS there, i just get shut down and act like a complete creep..silently lol. But i really like her, and i just cant seem to talk to her.. too nerve wrecking. Everyone knows i like her..but still. Anyways, homecoming is arriving. And my friend (best friend with that girl) decided to ask her about homecoming, and this is how the convo went: my friend: so are you looking for a date to homecom

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I am really depressed Sorry, but this concerns with my breakup with my gf. i try to get over her...but i see her like everyday, and her name pops up everywhere on facebook...so it keeps bring back memories. we broke up for almost 3 weeks now. we broke up because apparently, she said she was guilty from her mom...but... i see her talking on facebook with her friend, talking about other guys, that blah blah is cute, hot, or whatever,talking about my ex's requirements for bf, etc. when i read those stuff...im like...wtf.. And we dont even freakin talk to each other. we dont even say hi when we see each other... all these stuff makes me really depressed and hurt And shes getting closer to her best friend (the one who i kinda like), and them bei

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Gym people, everyone, come! Is this goal possible? So, I have decided, that one goal in my life, is to beat Franco Columbu's feats of strength. If you don't know who he is, search him up. Basically, he was a boxer, bodybuilder, powerlifter, olympic lifter, actor (was in some movies), and currently a Ph.D nutrition doctor. He was a very determined man...how many man have you seen that, breaks their leg while racing with a refrigirator on their back, and the doctor said you can never use that leg again, and end up wining mr. olympia? Only one, thats Franco Columbu. Was 2 times Mr. Olympia, height 5'5" and 180lb. So, he was considered, pound for pound, the strongest bodybuilder ever: at 180lb bodyweight, he deadlift 780lb, squat 660lb, an

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Should I ask this girl out? So, this girl was in my class since beginning of school year is august. We never really talked much but we sat next to each other. However, during the winter break, i hung out with my friends and she was a mutual friend with one of them, and blah blah. Now, She and I talk with each other everyday in class, phone, txt, fb, etc. We flirt with each other ALOOTT Lol. She always say that im cute and stuff, and that we should go to movies, hang out, and everything. The thing is, I am asian...and she is Midwest+White mixed...shes my first nonasian good friend lol. And the thing is...idk if she is pretty or not...shes pretty in my eyes, but idk, because...i just dont know. And she is kindve lonely though, since she just

General Chat

So there is this girland this is pathetic There is this girl that has been in my class in sophomore to senior year. I see her all the time, lunch, afterschool, etc. We hang out with the same people: we went to dinner together, movies, park, hangout, everything. BUT I NEVER TALKED TO HER. I HAVE LIKED HER SINCE 10TH GRADE. This is pathetic. She knows I like her. All her/my friends KNOW I LIKE HER. We talk about me liking her in the open all the time, but i just cant talk to her..Shes so pretty..makes me nervous. The awkwardest moment would be when we sat together at Chickfila and we said nothing to one another. omg. She talks to her friends all the time about how creepy i am, about how i like her and know everything about her but say nothing

General Chat

I really like this girl! Does she like me? Well this girl, lets call her SS, back in middle school, she had a crush on my best friend, but then he moved. Then last year, I went out with this girl, which was SS's friend. Then we broke up, but while going out with her, I became friend with SS. We constantly wave hi to each other in the hallways, but never said a word. Then in the last couple of month, I decided to start talking to her. I started texting her, and to my surprise, she enjoyed me texting her, and we text daily. She kept telling me she loves my company, about how she could have someone to constantly text to. But this is all...on the phone. We see each other in real life, and sit next to each other, but don't really talk much, it i

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