

iBlaster #Nexon Talk

General Nexon

Vindictus open beta keys Hello everyone! Im a great Vindictus fan, and I've always wanted to play the game, though I cant get a hold of a vindictus key, I went through various of webbsites, with over 200 keys though Not a single one of them worked... so Im wondering if someone could possibly send me a vindictus open beta early access key, and as a thanks I can send back the two extra keys that I get to the one person that sends me the key to me (If you send me a key, I'll get 2 keys for joining, I'll simply pm you back my 2 keys that I get, since I only want to play, and I dont care about anything else) or if you dont want the key, I could give it out to someone else here in basil or somewhere else, someone who really wants a key. I hope yo