

iCrisis #Nintendo Talk

General Nintendo

Pokemon Black 2/ White 2 Discussion Well, seeing as I couldn't find a thread, I decided to make one. Post your teams, progress, questions, help, etc. For information about the games: Please see here: [url=http://serebii.net/black2white2/]Click[/url] My current team: Dunsparce lvl 21 Koffing lvl 19 Servine lvl 20 I'm at the third gym. Edit: Please stop asking about whether the game is out in America. It's not, and won't be for several months. If you want to play it, import it from Japan. This is not a thread about when the game will come out in America or how to obtain the game.

General Nintendo

Pokemon Black 2/ White 2 Discussion Well, seeing as I couldn't find a thread, I decided to make one. Post your teams, progress, questions, help, etc. For information about the games: Please see here: [url=http://serebii.net/black2white2/]Click[/url] My current team: Dunsparce lvl 21 Koffing lvl 19 Servine lvl 20 I'm at the third gym. Edit: Please stop asking about whether the game is out in America. It's not, and won't be for several months. If you want to play it, import it from Japan. This is not a thread about when the game will come out in America or how to obtain the game.