

iElmo #Video Talk


At level 200, you are restricted from purchasing 2x EXP coupons from the Cash Shop. So, here are some of the EXP buffs/etc. that I use to maximize EXP gains! 1) 2x EXP event (when possible) 2) ETC EXP Coupon Box (I usually don't have these because they're expensive but I am using one in the video); Each box lasts an hour and is about couple hundred mil each. 3) 2x EXP buffs OR 1.5x EXP Enjoyable Winters (usually using the latter but in the video I'm using the 2x EXP buff); Enjoyable Winters last 30 minutes and are about 30m+ each 4) 10% EXP accumulation potion - These potions last 2 hours and are around 15-20m each 5) Holy Symbol - 1.5x EXP (non-leeching HSer mule/friend/etc.) 6) 2 Spirit of the Pendants - 60% EXP (after 2 hours); I bought


I haven't killed Hellux since I last upgraded my gear so I completely buffed up (other than Rune/Green Pot) to see how I would do. I was trying to go for sub-1min but 1:05ish was the best I could do... anyway, until next time! Things that I can do for next time: - Use Magnificent summon first and then Hyper skills. - Time jaw/eye death more precisely so that less time is wasted moving up the platform. - Use a Rune (Decay/Destruction) & use Green MPE Pot (not sure if this will help?).