

iPhone5 #General Talk


Need help in math. Exams are coming up I am really stuck here o-o. Can anyone help me thankyou. Grade 10 math level. Two acid solutions are to be mixed together. • Solution A is 30% acid by volume. • Solution B is 70% acid by volume. How much of solution A is needed to mix with solution B to make an 800 mL mixture that is 54% acid by volume? Answer to the nearest millilitre. edit: Wrong Section can someone break this down for me i am really confused my level of math isnt that high. :(


Maplestory Word Play Game This is a pretty funny game i remember someone made a thread last year and it was fun :D Well in this game everyone says 1 word to make a complete sentence when a sentence is finished u can start a new sentence/paragraph. :D Here is a example. person 1: I person 2: suck person 3: diapers person 4: while person 5: sucking person 6: lolipops. person 7: PERIOD/NEW Sentence. Word: Cookies please quote the person who u are continuing the sentence from to make it less confusing. Ill go first, new sentence word: Maplestory

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