

ianzbored #Fun Talk

General Fun

random story ideas thread random story ideas =O just gonna randomly make some story ideas on the spot. Add some too~ 1. You're lost in a forest. All you have is a flashlight and some food. Some gang is hunting you down. You're wanted by so many cops around the country, even though, this all started from a small dream. You woke up knowing nothing about you're past. Only a small creepy voice tells you, " Kill them." 2. Being a magician isn't easy. I'm not talking about thoss cheap scape eye blurring tricksters. I'm talking about the real deal. The type who can make things disappear and pull deers out of my hat. Yes, I know I'm famous, but no one gets it! It's all real. They call me the illusionist. How? I just can do stuff like that