
Zenith killed Chaos Zakum a few weeks ago (read post date for proof of kill date).

Zenith is probably the most established of the new servers as far as bossing goes, as after 1 month of the server being up Horntail was killed, while the other new server El Nido killed Horntail 1 day after this, and Arcania killed Horntail 1 day before this.

Our group's fastest run was 27 minutes after this run, since we found a nice way to kill the boss that worked well. This is only our first kill, not our fastest kill.

Hmm what else... Umm audioswapped from original music because Basil doesn't like my musicz. That's about it. Enjoy!

(And yes I know it's plain - it's not overedited or planned to be fancyschmancy)

April 16, 2011

9 Comments • Newest first


[quote=mushflop]well gl on pb in the future need like 13k+ hp pretty sure or i forgot and cht u need like 14k-15k+? i think[/quote]

We can do it. :>

Reply April 19, 2011

well gl on pb in the future need like 13k+ hp pretty sure or i forgot and cht u need like 14k-15k+? i think

Reply April 19, 2011

[quote=aaronthecow]Cht doesn't give drops,ever regardless of people in cave/time taken its messed up I wouldn't bother till they fix it.[/quote]

It's not about drops. If it was about drops it'd be worthless, because skillbooks aren't that pricey in Zenith at all since HT is killed so often.

Reply April 19, 2011

[quote=iCodykins]When I say first I only consider the legitimate runs. Zenith HTs really often now, and my guild personally HTs with only 1 party consisting of 3 attackers.

I'm hoping we can kill CHT or PB soon, but those are a lot harder than these. [/quote]

Cht doesn't give drops,ever regardless of people in cave/time taken its messed up I wouldn't bother till they fix it.

Reply April 19, 2011

[quote=aaronthecow]Nice,just about first world kills I'm usually just skeptical that its hackers.(not this just @ first ht kill etc)[/quote]

When I say first I only consider the legitimate runs. Zenith HTs really often now, and my guild personally HTs with only 1 party consisting of 3 attackers.

I'm hoping we can kill CHT or PB soon, but those are a lot harder than these.

Reply April 18, 2011

nice potential on your hat, cody. LOL. ;/

Reply April 18, 2011

Nice,just about first world kills I'm usually just skeptical that its hackers.(not this just @ first ht kill etc)

Reply April 18, 2011

Lol @ Golf Wang

Reply April 18, 2011