igummyjelly #Bowman Talk

General Bowman

P/c Japanese level 150 equip and gach run Hello, out of all my gachapon runs I managed to get a [b]Oyamatsumi belt.[/b] Does anybody know how much its worth? [b]If you guys also know the prices for:[/b] [i]All perm unless otherwise stated[/i] [b]Chairs[/b] -skin empress chair -Bloody rose chair -Balrog chair [b]Mounts[/b] -double transformation mount coupon -f1 machine coupon -Kurenai run a way coupon -Tiger coupon -Pegasus coupon -Magical wooden horse coupon -Retro scooter coupon [b]Equips[/b] -elemental staff 2 -elemental staff 7 -Fearless purple dragon -Pinnacle gladius [b]Use[/b] -occult cube -Epic potential scroll 80% -Chaos scroll of goodness 50% -Miraculous chaos scroll 70% [b]Miscellaneous[/b] -Fantastical android (F) coupon -Ten-ti