

ih34l4u #General Talk


Thinking of Coming Back to MS Hey all, So I've played Maple for a while, back before pirates and what not. I played a bit over the summer in Chaos but quit in late July, but I'm having some nostalgia and would really like to come back, I just need some inspiration... So I ask of you; 1. [b]How is the gameplay now?[/b] I used to look at maple as a game that would never be the way it used to be, but I recently realized I need to see it as a game with fun new updates that make it fun now, and not dwell on the past. 2. [b]When are Mercedes/DS/CS expected?[/b] With coming back, I might as well start a new class :o, anyone know when these are coming back? Or any other class suggestions?(Have a 140 DrK and 131 MM and I'm bored of both). 3. One thi


Is anyone happy with how much nexon has changed? I love the complaining that everyone does here, but seriously do you guys realize what it used to be like? In the past pets were anywhere from 4.9k NX to 12k nx, and thats all they came with, no item loot or anything. If you wanted item pick up? 2.4k, mesos? 2.4k as well. HP and MP pots? 2.5k each. Now all pets are 4.9, come with item/meso looting for free, and HP/MP pots are 1k each. In the past perm NX was totally unheard of, there we cosmetics worth 5k for 90 days. Now for only 3.4k you can get TRADEABLE, PERMANENTnx items. Just small examples, there are a ton more ways nexon has made maple a much less 'pay to win' game. I love what they've done and hope they continue down this path. This


Best way to transfer funds through servers? Hey guys, I'm coming back to the game after about a year and last played a bunch on Chaos. I have some decent items, but I'd like to go back to my home server of Bera, but I don't have much left there. So I just have a quick question; what's the best current way to transfer funds? I have some GfA 60's, a legendary 3l archer overall, and other small things that i'd like to liquidate and transfer to help fund me in Bera. Is the best way still to simply MTS stuff and just use the nx to help? Or can anyone suggest another more efficient way? Thanks